Monday, March 14, 2011

Shirley's Soliloquies

March 15

Dance video, love those core moves!
Bachelor Brad Womack picks Emily.
Hope they have a Happy Ending!

I love having this time off.
Who knew spring break could feel
this good!

Shirley's Soliloquies

March 14

Happy Birthday, Louis Goldstein,
mentor, friend!
Miss you! You were a positive figure
in Maryland politics, a role model.
You are greatly missed. I so enjoyed
the summer I worked in your office,
cataloguing all your books,
and reading some too! I remember
fondly all the times you came to my schools.
What a star! Thank you
for enriching my life!!

Shirley's Soliloquies

March 13

Wrote two new poems today, including
"All for the Love," my tribute
to Johnny Horton, country music star,
my first love.

Felt so good to sleep in today!!

We turn the clocks tonight!! Hurray!!!
My favorite time of the year begins!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Shirley's Soliloquies

March 12

Happy Birthday
to my dear friend, Elaine McCarthy,
who passed away suddenly
in October, 2009.

Elaine, I wrote a poem
about you, called "Wild Girl."
Yesterday, I submitted it to
The Comstock Review.
I hope they publish it!

I miss you, and am grateful for
33 years of friendship, and many
wonderful adventures.
Tell Cooper I said,"Hi."



Shirley's Soliloquies

March 11

Today, a huge earthquake
and tsunami devastate Japan.
Grief is global.
We are all so fragile.

Love to you, dear people of Japan.

Shirley's Soliloquies

March 10

Heavy rain, those clouds
are peeing
all over my universe.

Thank heaven
for my leopard umbrella.

Accessories brighten
the darkest days.

Shirley's Soliloquies

March 9

Today, a new dose of blonde!
Forgive vanity, forget the gray
I'm addicted to Emidio Vincenzo's Escape!!